We’re all gonna die. Let’s talk about it. 

A place to ponder the big questions, together.

Death is terrifying. We get it. 

We’re all gonna kick the curb one day—you, me and everyone you know—and that’s a weird thing to think about. 

So we don’t think about it. We don’t talk about it. For the most part, we pretend it’s not gonna happen.

But what if thinking about death was the key to unlocking the things we really want in life? Could death contemplation be the self-help we actually need? 

At Hello, Mortal, we believe that contemplating mortality is the missing link to a richer, fuller, more meaningful, more creative life. 

We’ve experienced firsthand how brushes with death and loss can jolt us out of autopilot and open our eyes to the lives we’re truly meant to be living. And we’ve also witnessed how connecting around our shared mortality  can foster deep connections and spark powerful insights to guide us on our path. 

That’s why we decided to make it a Sunday morning ritual: Five minutes of contemplation over a cup of coffee. On the traditional day of rest, a moment to remind ourselves that we’re marching closer to death with each breath—and to choose to live fully while we still can.


While tech billionaires chase immortality, the truth remains: death is 100% guaranteed. Enter Hello, Mortal, a comprehensive ecosystem to contemplate, prepare for, and manage life’s end—together.

Our newsletter seeks to reintegrate an awareness of mortality into everyday life through conversations and contemplations on living well in the face of impermanence. 

Join us on Sunday mornings (or whenever you have a moment) to ponder life, death and the great impermanence of it all.

Who We Are

We’re a death doula and a journalist on a mission to revive the lost art of death contemplation.

Since 2022, we’ve been working together to reimagine how we approach death, dying, and grief (check out our first baby, Death Archetypes!)

We came together over a shared fascination around questions like: What does it mean to live well in the face of death? Who are we in the face of life’s impermanence? And how can befriending death help us to more fully embrace life? 

Maura McInerney Rowley, Founder & Carolyn Gregoire, Editor

We aim to break through our collective fear and denial around death through existential inquiry, intimate conversations and practical philosophy. Our goal is to bring death contemplation down to Earth, and make it a normal and even welcomed part of everyday life. 

Death is only morbid if you miss the point.

Death Over Coffee

Contemplating mortality doesn’t have to be a downer some lofty philosophical exercise. In fact, it shouldn’t be. 

Remembering death can be as natural and pleasant as drinking our morning cup of coffee. It’s a simple ritual, but one that ripples out to touch every corner of our lives. 

We hope you’ll sign up for our newsletter to contemplate with us on Sunday mornings. 

And if you’d like to join us face-to-face for a little coffee and contemplation, we’ll be hosting a private virtual Sunday salon series for our paid subscribers. Think your favorite book club meets a death cafe.

We hope to see you there.


Subscribe to Hello, Mortal

We're all gonna die. Let's talk about it.


We're all gonna die. Let's talk about it.
writer exploring the inner lives of humans ⭕️ birth, death, tantra, creativity ⭕️